Fist-Print Valentines Day Cards

This is a cute craft to do with any age child. Since my child is so young, I had to "guide" his hand into the fist position and do the stamping myself. Then I created a card to send to some friends and family, but He colored the inside with crayons by himself.

What you'll need:
· Multiple sheets of valentines colored construction paper/ scrapbook paper
· White poster board, cardstock, or heavy paper
· Crayons
· Acrylic paints (we used light blue, purple and pink)
· Scissors
· Glue/Glue-stick
· Paintbrush
· Hole-punch
· Ribbon
How to make it:
1. Have child make a fist with both hands or hold their hands in a fist position for a younger
2. Start with the left hand. Use the paintbrush to paint the side of their pinky finger and the
side of the hand below it. Press onto the poster board to form the left side of the heart. Repeat
these steps with the right hand, creating the right side of the heart. (See Picture Below)
3. Repeat step 2 for each child, or with different colors for multiple cards.
4. When the painted hearts are dry, trim the excess paper around the prints.
5. The rest is up to you! Create a unique card with your childs prints on them. HAVE FUN!

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